This is my webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science. Although some projects are challenging, it is still fun to code and see the result after.

About Me


In this project, we learned how to keep track of a subtotal for muliple items purchased and keeping track of total sales, total customers and average sale.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to do a mailing label which shows our information from an input.

Car Rental


In this project, we learned how to do a car rental program which you put in your information and calculates the number of cars you rented.

Body Mass Index


In this project, we learned how to do a program which outputs the BMI of someone..

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to do a car rental program which you put in your information and calculates the number of cars you rented with extra inputs.

Test Score


In this project, we learned how to do a test score program which you can put in two test scores and it finds the average.

Dice Game


In this project, we learned how to do a Dice Game program which rolls and output the numbers of the dice which is randomized through a probability..

Craps Game


In this project, we learned how to do a Craps Game program which uses probability.

Slot Machine


In this project, we learned how to do a slot machine program where you input money to play and roll to get three images in a row..

My Store


In this project, we learned how to do a store program which outputs the price of what you bought.

Rock Paper Scissor


In this project, we learned how to make a prgram that plays Rock Paper Scissor.

Fish Tank


In this project, we learned how to do a Fish Tank Simulator which a fish moves around

2D Fish Tank Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to do a Fish Tank Simulator which a fish moves around and a shark is chasing it



In this project, we learned how to do a program that plays Tic-Tac-Toe



In this project, we learned how to do a number program which outputs Fibonacci, Sequence, Even, Odd, and Fscotrial.

Basic AI Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to do an AI project where an enemy follows you and you have to shoot it to get points.

Fishing Simulator Upgrade


In this project, we learned how to do fishing simulator which a boat can catch fish and sharks that can kill the fish.

Bees Simulator


In this project, we learned how to make a bee simulator which a bee goes to a flower and comes back to its hive.

F.E.A.R 2022 - Final Project


This is our final project of the year, and this game is a third person shooter game where you have to beat zombies and a final boss while collecting ammo and heart to survive.